For descendents of Thomas Howes and Mary Burr who emigrated to the US in 1637
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Post by mardler »

{This post originally appeared in our monthly newsletters page and has been moved to this more appropriate location - Paul]
NOTE: These words were taken from a newspaper account of the 1876Howes reunion held in Ashfield,Mass. It is noted that Rev. RBHall wrote all the songs for theHOWES Centenial and they were "finely rendered by a large choir, assisted by the whole tribe."
TOthe Air:-”Auld Lang Syne”
Let gladnessfillour hearts today
And touch our lips with song
Put care and sorrow faraway
The themes of joy prolong.
Proud mem’ries thronging round us here,
Our highest hopes arouse:
While whis’pring spirits hover near
To bless the name of HOWES
From varied round of hope and care,
Our varied gifts we bring,
But our hearts shall blend in song and prayer,
Love’s final offering.
Then wake the song of tuneful praise:
Forget the thoughts that drowse:
To all the name of HOWES.
Let the virtue of the past inspire
The purpose of the hour
The father’s sturdy valor fire
The son’s with noble power.
Above us bend prophetic skies
The heavens record our vows
To cherishas our chiefest prize
The honored name of HOWES.
HOWES To the tune’Smiles’ There are how’s like How’s the fishing?
There are How’s like How’s the show?
There are how’s like How’s the market doing?
How’s it work? And How’s your garden grow?
There are how’s like Howes the weather Charlie?
And how’s trick’s? And How’s your headache dear?
But the how’s that house our favorite people,
Are the family of Howes right here!
NOTE: This was sung at 50th wedding anniversary of JeanneC (Author, Howes Great London Circus) and Charles Howes(weatherman.).

Cuz Al Howes :)lol
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