Ancestor and Descendant charts

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Ancestor and Descendant charts

Post by mardler »

At the top of every individual's record, there are some tabs, with Individual set as default.

If you want to see how the person you are looking at relates to their forebears or progeny use the two tabs immediately to the right, marked Ancestors and Descendants.

That's not the end of it! You can vary the number of generations or how the chart is displayed by playing with the boxes in the row underneath the tabs. And, if you are using the standard box format, just rolling your cursor over the box will produce more information about that person. Click on the box or underlined name depending upon the type of chart and you can go straight to that person's record.

Hope this helps
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Re: Ancestor and Descendant charts

Post by cyntsche »

Just want you to know that even thru all this crazy covid pandemic my mother Dorothy Howes Schertell Aug 4 1923 is still thriving living in her own home. Fingers crossed!
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Posts: 317
Joined: October 4th, 2009, 6:28 pm

Re: Ancestor and Descendant charts

Post by mardler »

Best wishes to your Mom!
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