Happy new month, everyone, I was going to begin my note with my usual note about the bitter cold here in Norfolk, England, but the last two days have been beautiful springtime weather. The chill has departed, I hope.
8,000 people milestone
While it's been cold outside, my laptop keyboard has been keeping me warm! We added just over 1,000 people in April, finishing just 16 shy of 206,000 people in our file. Happy to say too that we now have over 8,000 people named HOWSE in our file.
Adding to previous work
We've again been able to extend the work of the book, Howes Genealogy by Colonel Bob Howes in respect of the family of William Worth Howes of West Virginia. We found an obituary of a spouse of one of his descendants which gave us leads to several other family members. (As I have said before, I mean no disrespect at all to Bob, who did a fantastic job with a lot less information available to him than is currently available to me, 4,000 miles from home! We are just filling in the colors of the jigsaw which he constructed)
Cousins marry . . . but wait . . . it's not quite that simple
We have a new first, too. in our database we have over 110 examples of cousins marrying. This is one with a difference though. Normally, when two cousins marry, each partner has two grandparents in common. BUT, in the case of William H Howes (https://howesfamilies.com/getperson.php ... ee=Onename) and Maud Alice M Howes, ALL FOUR of their grandparents were the same people. Basically, two Howes brothers married two sisters and then one child of each couple married each other, they being William and Maud! Their families were from St Lawrence County, Ontario and the couple moved to St Lawrence County, New York to marry in 1909, and remained there. Probably good that they did not have children. Does anyone know of a closer relationship 'twixt husband and wife?
I must say that I found this marriage thanks to a correspondent who had sent me a thumb drive with over 2,500 people in a GED file on it. He hadn't found that marriage, but the rest of the family, from Plymouth Thank you, sir. I've gotten through over 1,000 of those people so far. Thank you, Patrick!
Postscript to Simon Howes's Atlantic row
We mentioned Simon's landing in St Lucia last month. This month the full story of his voyage started to emerge. He was attacked by sharks, twice had his boat roll right over and 'turn turtle', was nearly run down by frieghters and had close encounters with whales, and an albatross. Quite an adventure! check out the full story here:
https://uk.news.yahoo.com/islander-reli ... 00303.html
Howes in the news:
here's a wonderful story of a Julie Howes from Plymouth in the South West of England. She was down and out and drug dependent. She turned her life around and ended up managing the charity which rescued her! Well done, ma'am. Good luck with your future.
https://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/news/h ... ns-8372684
Does House have a hard s or a soft s?
People ask me frequently whether House (normally said with a hard s) is really just a variant of the same name as Howes, with a soft s, or z, sound. We continue to gather evidence that the two names were at least pronounced similarly. This month, we came across the family into which Margaret Giblin married, in County Sligo, Ireland in 1871. Her husband's name was spelt, House, Houze, Howze and Howes over the course of his life, Four of their daughters and perhaps one of their sons married in New York City and there were similar spellings across the other side of the Atlantic. I conclude that the sound of all the spellings was the same. Anyone want to argue?!
RootsTech follow up
You may have heard me talk about Relatives at RootsTech. It's supposed to allow attendees to connect with each other. That facility is still open until June 1, 2023. It's worth checking out. I have 818 relatives at RootsTech. Most of them are likely to be real and not mistakes as I have previously corrected the close mistakes. Unfortunately, my closest relatives are nine 4th cousins, once removed!!
How to check? You need to put your family's tree on FamilySearch and access it with your Pc or the FamilySearch App on your smartphone. The benefit of checking out your matches comes from its ability to confirm your research or at least challenge it. Longer-run, maybe the people with whom you match have family photos or other memorabilia which will interest you.
There's more, but I should probably stop here! Thanks for all your support, folks.
Putting our Howse in order - April 2023
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